Setting up Helium Tracking Tools

Step 1 – Invite Helium NFT Bot into your desired server, To know how to invite visit here #

Step 2 – Once you have invited Helium NFT Tool, Use command /setup to start the setup for Free Helium NFT Market Tracking Tools #

Step 3 – Select ‘Helium NFT Tracking Tool’ from the list of available free NFT tools #

Step 4 – Select the desired NFT blockchain market that you would like to track with Free Helium NFT Market Tracker. #

Step 5 – Tracking Channels will be created automatically and you will get all the NFT market updates directly in your discord server. #


India's First Multichain No-code Web 3.0 platform where you can create Web 3.0 Products in just 3 Steps within 3 Minutes. Xenon Labs is a platform that accelerates the growth of NFT -based startups in a decentralized, safe, and autonomous way.

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